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Weekly Infusion of Encouragement

Luke 11:9-10 – “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

God is not stingy with his blessings. He wants to give to us abundantly. Receiving God’s blessing doesn’t always mean we will get everything we want or that life will be easy, but it does mean we will get what we need. Before God gives to us he wants us to seek him first. It is easy for us to quickly forget the giver when we finally get the gift; this is why it is important for us to keep our heart seeking after him. Many of us probably know the first part to this passage, but don’t recall the second, that God gives to the one who actually asks, seeks, and knocks. It is important to remind ourselves that the greatest gift is the gift of God’s grace. Whatever it is you need, God says, “Come to me.”

What do you want to ask God for? What are you seeking or wanting? How can God bless you this week? In what ways can you use the blessings of God to love someone else? Because God has blessed you, how could you bless someone else? Pray this week and ask God for what you want but also ask him to show you someone that you could bless in return.

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High Point, NC

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