Plans Get Complex
Anyone else know that person who just seems to have life all figured out? You know, those abnormal few who have their careers figured out or they have their goals measured and are working towards accomplishing them. My life sometimes seems to be considerably closer to spiraling into the abyss of chaos rather than filing into an ordered sequence of accomplishments. Reflecting on this has led me to a new thought: Joseph was the LUCKIEST guy in the world! Early into the story of the New Testament, he discovers that Mary is with child and realizes that his world is about to dissolve into a million little pieces and fall through his hands. Oh Joseph…we all know that feeling far too well. However, something happens to Joseph that makes him far luckier than any of us – an angel visits him in a dream.
Here is what the angel has to say: “Mary will give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins” (Mat 1:21 CEB). A majority of the time we reflect on this passage because it tells us why Jesus has come and what he will do. That’s good for us to do because Jesus is kind of important. Yet, do you not see what the angel just did!? He told Joseph clearly what was going to happen. In fact, the angel breaks it up into steps for him just to make it easy to follow. Us guys like nothing better than following ordered steps to completion! Here is how Joseph’s list plays out. First, Mary is going to give birth to a child. She was impregnated by the Holy Spirit; so, no need to question her character; you should still marry her. Second, when the baby is born, you will give him the name Jesus.
So far, the angel has gifted Joseph with the cure for anxiety – he knows what is going on and what will happen next. You know how often I have both of those figured out? Probably just as often as you do….never! Here’s the kicker: the angel also tells Joseph the “WHY?” to it all. The angel’s third point is this: all of these unimaginable things are happening because Jesus will be the savior of his people. As if knowing what’s going on and what will happen wasn’t enough, the angel also tells Joseph the purpose behind it all! If only we could have a glimpse into the purpose of our current troubles, then we might actually have a moment of clarity and peace in our lives. What comfort, strength, fortitude, endurance, or faith we could have if we just knew why! Why this pain? Why this problem? Why this now!? Joseph gets his angelic dreams and we just get hindsight.

What really adds to the luck of Joseph is the fact that an angel doesn’t just tell him exactly what to do and why once…or twice…but (at least) three times! He is told to name the baby Jesus (Mat 1:21), to take Jesus to Egypt (Mat 2:13), and to take Jesus back to Israel (Mat 2:20). One might argue if he also has a fourth angelic visit in v. 22. If only this could happen to us! If only an angel could visit each of us and tell us what to do, then things would be so much easier.
But alas, very rarely are we ever so fortunate. And so, now what? Well, what if the message the angel had for Joseph then can be a message to all of us now? The angel tells Joseph that all of this is happening and will happen “because Jesus will save his people” (Mat 1:21). This purpose is as true today as it was when the angel said it to Joseph. The purpose of our lives and everything going on in them is because of Jesus. He isn’t the cause to all our problems but he is the intended focus. Just as all the crazy things going on in Joseph’s life were leading him to the birth of this baby savior, likewise, all the crazy things in our lives should be directing our focus and worship to the savior. Christ is the purpose of our lives and sometimes in the midst of turmoil it is good to be reminded about that.
The purpose of our lives is Jesus but what are we supposed to do with this life? While we might not have clear-cut instructions about what to do and when to do it, we are given the same vote of confidence that Joseph receives from the angel: “do not be afraid” (Mat 1:20). At the heart of it all, that’s really all our anxiety and worry is…we’re afraid of the what-if’s and what-not’s. Yet, if we were to be strong, courageous, and confident in that the Holy Spirit walks with us, then how much more might we experience that peace, comfort, strength, and faith we so badly want? We want God to just indulge us, to tell us how it’s going to be so we can just know. But that’s not how God works. He would rather do what’s better for us – he wants to walk with us and show us his full plan for our life. He wants to lead us back to him. So, when you’re freaking out and not sure what to do next over this holiday season (face it, we all feel it this time of the year!) then turn your worship to God and ask for strength in fear. Stand in awe of what he’s done in your life and find hope for what he’ll do next. And if by chance an angel does come visit you, tell him to come to my house next!