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Weekly Infusion of Encouragement

Mark 1:14-15 – “After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. ‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

For 1st century Jews, there was a bit of confusion concerning what exactly the Kingdom of God would be. Many believed that God would send the Messiah who would save them, unite the kingdom, and rule over them. The Messiah was, essentially, a militaristic leader. However, Christ comes bringing the message of the Kingdom of God – repent and believe! He doesn’t come brandishing a sword to bring judgment, but comes with a message of grace and love. Turn from your sin, believe that God has come through his Son and has brought the Kingdom of Heaven with him!

How might it change the way you look at others if you saw people the way Christ sees them? If you knew that there were some of your friends and family who do not yet belong to the Kingdom of God, how might this affect what you say and do while you’re around them? Pray to God this week for a tender heart towards those who do not yet believe the good news of the Gospel and ask for the strength and courage to speak with kindness and gentleness to any who might need to hear it.

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