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Weekly Infusion of Encouragement

1 Timothy 5:5 – “The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help.”

All of us have experienced loss. Whether a parent, child, friend or relative, all of us have experienced the reality of death and the feelings of loneliness that follow. The Bible has a special and specific message for those experiencing such emotions: the Lord is with you. If we seek God and pray to him continually for his help, he will answer. The Bible and our lives give testimony to the faithfulness of God. He provides enough, his grace is good enough, and his presence is enough to carry us through any challenge we might face. The key is, we have to be sure that we put our hope in him and continually pray for his help.

Are you struggling with hope this week? Who do you know might be in need of help that only God can give? How can you share the hope of God with someone who needs to hear it? Pray that God would give you assurance, to let you know that what you hope for in him will come true. Remember to continually pray to God for every need and he will take care of you.

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